Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Beginning again..

It's difficult feeling like I'm failing at so many things in my life. Does it get easier? Sometimes... I feel like things are going well for a short time and I then get lazy and let things slide and before I realize it, I'm in this feeling of being in a pit with no way out. I seem to always gather things together and make it out of the pit at some point. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes longer than others.

I like to have control of something in my life and it seems to change often. I'm not sure how I get sidetracked or what happens that I lose sight of my goal or my plans for life. I feel like that is where I've been for too long lately. I get to a point where I'm overwhelmed and dont know where to begin that I just give up on alot of things. 
It's time to focus on my health once again and stop putting it on the back burner. 

I need to work on building my steps during the day. I have a Fitbit and yet I don't use it to it's abilities. Mostly using it as a watch. So I want a goal to up my steps to 3000 tomorrow before leaving work. Seems like a very small goal but at least I'm starting something. 

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

day by day

Well, I'm taking it day by day. Good eating choices, exercising, etc. Working on myself from the inside out. It definitely is not an easy task and takes a lot of time to feel like you have succeeded. I feel like I had a successful day today!! Now that I am back to eating Vegan/Vegetarian (sometimes I slip with cheese) my appetite has decreased. YAY!! Hope to run tomorrow. I didn't make it today as I had too many things to do after work. I did make it to the gym this morning and we did our 2.7 mile walk at lunch!!! I hope everyone else is doing well.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Just keep swimming...

Water, water everywhere! Glad for the rain but I think it's time to stop. The grounds are getting too soggy and the water is rising too high. Today was a great day at work, great food choices and walked at lunch for 2.7 miles! We are getting better at lunch. Hopefully I can get a run in tomorrow. :) I hope everyone else had a great day as well!! It's time to go to sleep and have a great and successful day tomorrow!